For some reason September has made me lazy. I haven't been going to Noah Richler's campaign office for volunteering, I've stopped baking bread and I can't think of things to write here.
Friday night I went to a fundraising event for Noah Richler at Dave's, just a few blocks from here. I only went to make a token appearance, and left when the music started. The next day I actually went into the office!
I finally finished A Short History of Progress. And now I've started reading Edgar Allen Poe for the Classic Book Club.
Monday at choir practice Paolo asked me to yell like I wanted someone to come to me, so I said, "Come here, you sonuvabitch!" (That brought the house down.) And that's a word I've never used before! All of a sudden, I'd been possessed by what Poe called "the imp of the perverse." At least I didn't say, "Get your stupid ass in here, you goddamm sonuvabitch!"
Opera rehearsal started Tuesday night. We did the opening chorus of The Elixir of Love, which I'm pretty familiar with. (We're also doing Die Fledermaus.) Starting this year we're going to do eight performances instead of twelve, which means an extra week to rehearse.
Today I finally started moving those heavy patio stones to expand the garden. (Too lazy to get far, of course.) There's a whole layer of weeds that's spread over them. I should dig up the potatoes sometime soon.
There's a girl in Waterloo called Nikki who asked me to order a plush Super Mario Brothers toy for her on Amazon. (She can't do it herself because she doesn't have a credit card.) But I couldn't open my Amazon account, having forgotten the password.