Sunday, February 12, 2023


Last Sunday was my 61st birthday.  My birthday party wore me out, and I had to go to bed early. (We ate Indian food for the first time in a while.) I think the lemon-flavoured birthday cake disagreed with me too.

I finished the book about Ashoka. (I wanted to renew it but someone had put a hold on it, so I was several days overdue returning it.) Now I'm reading Julian Casanova's A Short History of the Spanish Civil War for next month's History Meetup. (Yes, reading For Whom the Bell Tolls got me interested in the subject.) Spain's Catholic Church establishment doesn't come out looking good...

Today I was actually early for my Sunday afternoon singing group! (I'm usually several minutes late.)

We're now doing the stage blocking for Don Giovanni.  I'm going to be one of the people who carries out the Commander's body in the first scene.  (I just learned that this opera's based on a 17th-century play by Tirso de Molina, a Spanish monk!)

At the Toronto Reference Library last week, I found some back issues of Life magazine back in 1972 just before it ceased weekly publication.  My family subscribed to it, and I remember reading some of it at the time!

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