Monday, March 20, 2023

Caught up with ONE PIECE

Last week, after four or five years, I finally got caught up with the long-running anime One Piece, seeing the last of its 1053 existing episodes! (Now I'll have to watch just one a week, like others who are up to date, instead of two a day.) Now I'm reading the manga version of the story online, which is about 50 episodes ahead of the anime.  I've almost reached the end of the Wano story, the longest and most colourful of its mega-arcs.  It involves a country that's avoided foreign contact for centuries, and it takes its look from Japan's similar Edo Era.

Speaking of which, I'm now reading Mark Ravina's To Stand With the Nations of the World:  Japan's Meiji Restoration in World History for my History Meetup.  I moved the location back to the Tim Horton Doughnuts near Bay station because the Imperial Pub was too crowded for people to find me.  But now I think I'll move it to the doughnut place on St. Clair West because parking will be easier there.

I like this weather when there's still snow on the ground but it's melting!

On Thursday Moira and I had lunch at Puitak's apartment and we skimmed through the Oscars show.  We walked down to her place, because the weather was warm, and I felt pretty bushed afterward.

On Friday night my watch party showed Ken Loach's The Wind That Shakes the Barley, about the Irish Troubles.  I'd seen it before over 15 years ago, but I'd forgotten how good it was! (The next day I watched it again with the DVD commentary, by Loach and an Irish historian.) It's a real disgrace that he was expelled from the Labour Party for promoting Labour Against the Witch Hunt...

Today I had a big headache and skipped dinner.

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