Sunday, March 28, 2021

Home improvement

This week we did more home improvement.  Our house is a century old and the basement is relatively shallow, so John dug up buckets of dirt which Moira and I carried out to a new tip out back. We filled it in three days, Thursday being our busiest day of all.  We got pretty sore!

I'm finally getting my glasses replaced on Monday.  There was some confusion because I thought that the order had been placed and was taking a long time, when it actually hadn't been placed at all!

Thursday was unusually warm, a suitable day for so much work.  I turned the furnace off, but when it got cooler the next day I forgot to turn it back on!

We were so busy with the work that I was a few days late getting my Cipralex anti-depressant prescription refilled. (At least I didn't have to wait a couple more days for them to confirm the refill with my shrink!) One side effect of this interruption is that my dreams get more vivid.  The other night I dreamed I was travelling in the "rumble seat" of an early car.  

Just last night I dreamed of being younger, in a slump and needing a creative spur to get writing again.  Then I dreamed of a non-existent episode of Six Feet Under with the family going to the gala opening of an upscale Los Angeles shopping mall.  I also dreamed of being in an empty apartment on the top story of a building with floor-to-ceiling windows instead of walls...

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