Monday, July 18, 2016

I've been getting lazy in this July heat!  Even doing one thing takes an effort just now.

Today was Reading Out Loud.  There were nine people, more than usual.  I read some of the character descriptions at the start of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales and Orwell's essay "Decline of the English Murder." Jane read Beatrix Potter's Peter Rabbit and a couple of Hamlet's soliloquies. (I borrowed her book and read Polonius' speech to his son!) Some other girls read Coleridge's "Kublai Khan" and Tennyson's "The Lady of Shallot."

I have a Facebook app for the website , which sends me a challenging puzzle every day.  There was one involving Fibonacci series, where the first two entries are 1 and the later ones the sum of the previous two:  1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597... This puzzle asked what the sum would be for 1+1/2+2/4+3/8+5/16+8/32+... I figured out that it must be 4. That's because this sum equals 1+1/2+(1+1)/4+(2+1)/8+(3+2)/16+... which equals 1+(1/2+1/4)+(1/4+1/8)+(2/8+2/16)+... which equals 1+ (3/4)*(1+1/2+2/4+3/8+...) (I never look up the answer:  either I know it or I don't.)

Just the other night there was another question where we know that a+b=a*b=3, so what does a^3+b^3 equal?  You can figure out the answer through simple algebra: a^3+b^3=(a+b)^3-3*a*b^2-3*b*a^2=(a+b)^3- 3*(a*b)*(a+b)=27-27=0.  

But I like to do things the hard way, so I imagined the complex numbers that a and be could be.  I figured out that a would be 3/2 +i*[3^(1/2)/2] while b would be 3/2 - i*[3^(1/2)/2] (or vice versa!). Alternatively, you could say that a= 3^(1/2)*e^[i*pi/6] and b=3^(1/2)*e^[i*-pi/6].  And I noticed some other interesting things:  a^2+b^2=3, a^4+b^4=-9, a^6+b^6=-54, a^8+b^8=-81, a^10+b^10=243, a^12+b^12=1458!

That's the sort of puzzle that keeps me awake late at night!  Imagine the puzzle where a+b=a*b=1...

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