Wednesday, July 06, 2016


Friday the internet connection went out on the downstairs computer.  Sunday it went out on mine!  Nothing like internet interruption to make you appreciate how important the web is.  I needed to set the location for tomorrow night's History Discussion Group screening so I went to the library.  I couldn't find my library card but Moira brought hers and I got online through her assistance!

Monday night my techie brother Donald came over and solved the trouble quickly.  It turned out that the downstairs computer had some malware that got downloaded a couple of years ago and only became active now.  And Father was fiddling with the connection Saturday night and lost mine too!

I'm now re-reading Bill Bryson's One Summer:  America 1927 for the History Discussion Group.  It's still a really entertaining read!  Lindbergh sounds like an Asperger's Syndrome case like me.

Thursday night I saw Hitchcock's Psycho again.  Only just now did I notice that when Anthony Perkins starts smiling at the end of his last scene--just before the last shot of the car being towed out of the swamp--for a few frames Hitch superimposes his mother's skull on his face!  Why didn't I notice that before?

I've started rereading my Menomonee Falls Gazette collection.  That's the paper from the early '70s that reprinted story strips like Secret Agent Corrigan and Modesty Blaise and Rip Kirby.  I've started compiling an index of it, listing the strips and their main characters and the stories covered in the MFG reprints.  It's one of those projects of mine that's easier to start than to finish!

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