Wednesday, October 10, 2018


"The problem with the world isn't the existence of evil, it's the existence of good--otherwise nobody would care"--Fargo

I've almost finished rewatching the second season of Sailor Moon.  I used to think that my favourite Sailor Scout was Venus, but now I think I prefer Pluto, the one in black boots who perpetually guards the doorway to time. (Saturn would really have been a better name for her.) I'll soon be looking at later seasons I didn't see back at the time!

I really like the song they play over the end credits of the Japanese version of the second season.  I even came up with a translation of the lyrics. (Translating Japanese into English isn't as hard as some translation, since they tend to say in ten syllables what we say in five and it's easier to stretch lines longer than squeeze them shorter.) Allcaps indicate an accented syllable, dashes one that's stretched out.

DON'T give UP, NO matter WHERE you are, whatEVer preDICament YOU may SEE!
THAT'S-ME, that's WHO I AM, that's the PRETty young MAIDen's POliCY.
SOME-DAY I'LL meet the SPEcial one, for HIM I'll do ANything, I won't FLEE,

Down IN my BE-ING,
There's A sad YEARN-ING,
But LOVE will SOON come OUT aGAIN!

I'm aFRAID of NOThing FEARsome, of COURSE,
It's BETter to LIVE with PASsion, of COURSE,
I have DREAMS that are MANY and BIG ones, of COURSE.
THAT'S-WHY I'll BE a courAGEous GIRL!

ALL will COME, MONsters, DisASters, I'm GOing to FACE it all MANfulLY!
IN these TESTS-IS my CHANCE to SPREAD out my WINGS and fly GRACEfulLY,
For EVeryONE-LOOKS twice as BEAUtiful WHEN they apPROACH their task MINDfulLY.

Is A strong CREA-TURE,
And SOMEday OUT she'll POUR like RAIN!

I'll beCOME whatEVer I'm SEEKing, of COURSE,
It's BETter to conTINue perSISTing, of COURSE,
There will ALso be SORrow and WEEping, of COURSE,
But ANyWAY, I'll BE a courAGEous GIRL!
(So what if "continue persisting" is redundant and "everyone" is singular rather than plural?  It fits the rhythm.)

I've also started the second season of Dragon Ball.  As I said before, it's really a show for little boys, but I do find it fun.  My favorite character is the teenage girl Bulma, probably because she's usually getting pissed about something. (Siegfried the enemy agent was my favorite Get Smart character, for much the same reason.) She generally has reason for her annoyance:  Japanese men seem to treat women a lot worse than in the west! (Even when a Japanese lady gets appointed to a corporation's Board of Directors, she's still expected to serve the tea for the men...)

I finished harvesting the potatoes the other day and brought in the carrots today. Today I also gave our lawn a last mow. (Unusually warm weather for October!)

Finished Fargo.  I got caught up through seeing two episodes a day--the closest I can get to binge-watching--and we saw the last episode together.  The third season may be the best of all, though the Hollywood episode and the bowling alley scene were pretty odd.  It got rather Lynchian, to the point of having Ray Wise (the possessed lawyer on Twin Peaks) show up both times!

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