Monday, February 25, 2019


"Things will have to change in order that they remain the same"--The Leopard

Wednesday night I saw Luchino Visconti's Risorgimento epic The Leopard (for the third time) with the History Discussion Group.  I guess it's a story about an aging man letting go as his world disappears.

Yesterday was a big opera rehearsal.  It started at 11:00, with a lunch break, and I quit at 4:30. (There was still a little more, but I was worn out.) I have most of it relearned, but the part at the end of the third act I need to do more.  Don't know if I'll be able to do this next year--I just don't have as much energy these days.

I was late for the singing group again today, and took the wrong music binder!  I need to shape up.

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