Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Youtube musicals

My new time-killing interest is watching stage musicals on Youtube.  You can find whole shows of a high quality there!  I'm interested in stuff like Oliver! and Pacific Overtures and Guys and Dolls.  Yesterday I watched a video of the 2018 Broadway revival of Carousel (actually a preview of the show). 

And today I saw Sam Mendes' famous 1993 Cabaret production with Alan Cumming as the MC.  Powerful ending!  That show seems particularly timely in 2020, with so many people sleepwalking into disaster...

I finally finished The Vertigo Years, which my mind keeps mistitling The Vortex Years!  I've now started reading Walt Whitman's poetry opus Leaves of Grass--I just read a few poems at the start so I could write here that I've started it.

I finished rewatching the second year of Dragon Ball and started the second season of Sailor Moon.  The first third is the Doom Tree arc, with two aliens pretending to be schoolkids Alan and Ann. (They're my favourite second-season villains.) That arc has my personal favourite episode, "Mirror, Mirror on the Wall," where they're putting on a play of Snow White and have to deal with a clown monster!

I've started reading manga online.  Right now I'm reading Candy Candy, a romantic girl's comic from the late '70s about an orphan called Candy White who's hired by a rich family to serve as companion for this nasty sister and brother pair but gets treated as a servant and has to live in the stables, but this boy on a neighbouring estate falls in love with her... It has a certain Cinderella sensibility, and that's just the start of a soap opera spanning decades of her life.  I just found out that forty years ago they made an anime of Anne of Green Gables!

We've finished putting everything in the kitchen, so our dining room is in pre-clutter mode again.

Last weekend was warm, so I walked out to Hillcrest Park. (There were few people there, so I had an easy time keeping social distance.)

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