Friday, March 27, 2015

The Wonderful World of Captain Snark

I've started a new blog!  (It's actually a blog-forum where people are encouraged to leave comments.) It's called The Wonderful World of Captain Snark, and I plan to write one snark piece every day for the indefinite future on subjects ranging from movies to TV to politics to writing to "the way we live now."

The concept owes a lot to Mr. Cranky of yesteryear, though he focused on movies.  If I can bring back even a tenth of the atmosphere that prevailed in those forums for a few years, it'll be well worth it.

I got free forum space (supported through ads) and my new URL is .  I started it on Tuesday and felt really excited!  It's fun imagining all the features and making an administrator's decisions.  And I've already written four pieces, ripping into The Sound of Music, the TV version of Little House on the Prairie, Ronald Reagan and The New York Times.  My next piece will be in the category of manners, and it'll be about aggressive rhetorical questions.

Yesterday I finally finished the first half of Our Mutual Friend.  Now I'm going to finish reading the winter issue of Lapham's Quarterly, which is about foreigners.  I've already received the spring issue, which is about con games.

Tonight I went to a Meetup for Maritimers in Toronto. (If you define us as an immigrant group, we're the third biggest in the city!) Only two people were there, but Rome wasn't built in a day.

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