Thursday, April 27, 2017


T Minus 9 days!

Today I went out to the Apple store at Yorkdale Mall and bought an Iphone like Father has. It wasn't cheap, but it's a long-term purchase.  I also went to the Bay and bought a new pair of pajamas.

Earlier I was looking for a copy of Stella Gibbon's Cold Comfort Farm for John Snow's book club. I checked online and the Bay & Bloor Indigo and the Mt. Sinai Indigo Spiritual both had a copy. But when I got there, they'd both been sold! (Other members?) I guess I'll have to buy a copy in London after all.

I went to the Outsiders Meetup again this week, except that it's now called the Grace in Adversity Meetup.  We were talking about narcissistic parents, and I had to point out that my parents were two of the least narcissistic people I ever met! DeeAnn was wearing a nifty necklace strung with acrylic licorice allsorts.

I got to Granite Place an hour too early, as is my wont, and had to kill time by visiting Book City and the Deer Park library.  Book City didn't have Cold Comfort Farm, but I did pick up an eight-dollar copy of Taras Grescoe's Straphanger:  Saving Our Cities and Ourselves From the Automobile.

John Snow thinks that the line in my last post "stuff in the London theatre" has a Philistine sound. Really, I wish people would spend less time worrying about the connotations of language...

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