Sunday, February 10, 2013

I'm good at this

This afternoon was going to be the ROLT February event.  We were going to read science fiction.  But what with the weather only two people showed up:  me and a new member called Kayla. (Jane, who's usually reliable, sent me an apologetic email, which is more than any of the other no-shows did.)

I read for Kayla an E.B. White story called "The Hour of Letdown," about a guy taking a computer into a bar.  It came from a collection THE WORLD'S BEST SHORT SHORT STORIES, which are all three to six pages long, convenient for reading here.  I only had one thing to read anyway.

I thought the event would give me enough for a whole post, but I'll have to think of something more to write about.  The last few days I've got into a pattern where I look at a DVD early in the evening, then I get sleepy enough to go to bed at eight or nine.  Then I sleep for a few hours and wake up toward midnight.  Then I go on the computer for a few hours before going back to bed.  I read things like the online version of the British newspaper THE GUARDIAN and the King Features Syndicate comics at .  The new day's comics become available just after one in the morning.

I must say, I think I'm getting good at blogging. (If I'm wrong, please tell me.) I've managed to think of enough subjects to keep going every day, though I imagine I have repeated myself on occasion.  And I've shown a wide range of interests too.

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