Thursday, February 07, 2013


"I think... we'll have to get drunk"--Jack Nicholson in TERMS OF ENDEARMENT

This evening I saw James Brooks' Oscar-winning TERMS OF ENDEARMENT on  the Young & Dundas Event Screen. (I'd last seen it almost thirty years ago.) I saw it with the Movie Meetup group, but I was waiting for them in the downstairs lobby while they were waiting on an upstairs floor, so I didn't make contact with them until I got into the theatre.

The movie struck me as rather lightweight and middlebrow.  The best thing in it, of course, was Jack Nicholson as a veteran astronaut looking "a little older and a little heavier" (as Andy Warhol described Nicholson in his famous diary) but with his randy, boyish charm undiminished.

I'm running short again.  I must say how dumfounded I am by a Will Short article in THE HUFFINGTON POST insisting that Ronald Reagan would have opposed Obama's drone assassinations policy. (Does the expression "wishful thinking" mean anything to you?) I responded, "Reagan would have supported drones if his people told him to support it," a comment which the moderators blocked.  But they didn't block a poster ignorant enough to say, "Reagan was not a big supporter of the overseas empire and stupid wars." I responded, "Many Central Americans would disagree." (Remember Iran-Contra?)

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