Saturday, April 19, 2014


Last night I saw the Prince vehicle Purple Rain (for the third time) at the Bloor.  It was part of the "This Film Should Be Played Loud" series, and I sat in the balcony near the back row.  There was a huge queue to the popcorn place--they sold a lot of beer--and I waited until the film started to get popcorn.  Fortunately, they preceded it was the video of the Batdance Prince did for the 1989 Batman movie, which was so long I had time to go and return before it was finished!

The movie is something of a guilty pleasure:  the concert scenes are pretty good, but the rest is on the crude side, with Prince a better stage presence than an actor.  Morris Day steals the show, of course, as Prince's shameless rival--I especially liked his numbers "Jungle Love" and "The Bird." Of course, I knew all that already.  The place was packed, and a lot of people had glow-sticks which they were waving during the final numbers.  Safer than matches, I guess.

Today was my acting class.  There were a record eight people there!  The two new people both did an animal impersonation, as everyone does when they start out, and two others were new enough to elaborate their earlier ones. I did the "George Gray" monologue completely by heart.  We also did the "Man on the Moon" scene again.  It turns out that Andy Kaufman is telling the truth about his cancer, though Nancy let us think otherwise so we'd be natural in the scene.  Next week we're going to do the scene one more time, from memory, which shouldn't be hard for me since I have just a handful of lines, none of them very long.

Sometime I should start learning a new monologue.  This time I'd like to do something comic.  Back when I was taking drama classes in the Toronto District School Board night school program, some people said I had natural comic timing.

This is Easter weekend, so Monday will be unusually idle for me.  And next week they'll be selling chocolate at clearance prices! (Someday I want to find that store in the Junction that sells fair-trade chocolate.)

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