Sunday, June 01, 2014

Acting class

Today's acting class took place at Philty McNasty's east of Eglinton station. (Our regular place was being used by some Fringe function.) We got to use the basement and turn off the music in that area.  I performed my "George Gray" monologue in the Scots version and made a pretty good impression.  Now I'm going to concentrate on my comedy monologue.

We did the exercise where you sing a song one syllable at a time and look at a different audience member each time, and this time I sang "If I Were a Rich Man." We also did a thing where each of us took the hot seat in turn, and the others imagined what our character might be like and who we should be cast as.  When it was my turn, some people picked up that I'm a social radical unhappy with the state of the world, but it was also suggested that I like marmalade. (I don't.)

The garden is now ready for planting, and Father's cut up all the seed potatoes.  I mentioned that tilling a garden for planting is a bit like an actor clearing his head before performing.  Nancy liked that comparison, since she's a gardener too!  I'd planned to plant after I got home, but wasn't up to it just yet.

Subway service was suspended on the Yonge line between Bloor and Eglinton, so some of us were late, though not by too much.  I went back by the Eglinton bus, which is slow west of Bathurst because of road construction, so I didn't get home till about 18:45! Fortunately, the others were waiting for John and Kathrine to come for dinner so I didn't cause delay.  But it turned out they aren't coming till tomorrow!

I was going to write this post in the evening, but for some reason Safari software wouldn't let me enter any writing!  I went to bed and woke up in the wee hours, and I'm writing this around 05:30!

Running short...

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