Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Final concert

Last night was the final concert of the Columbus Centre Community Choir.  In addition to our numbers, Adolfo played Scott Joplin's "The Entertainer" and Hassan from the opera sang Verdi's "La Donna e Mobile" and one of those Caruso Neapolitan songs (I think). We added the Sicilian folk song "Ciuri Ciuri" at the last minute. Afterward I suggested to Beatrice that we do a Scottish song next year, and she seemed enthusiastic.

Father and Moira weren't up to going.  But Gary was there--he almost forgot it was that night--and when Don gave me a lift afterward we brought Gary along too.  I also returned Don's book, which Father said in a handwritten note isn't so valuable because it isn't a complete set of volumes. (I hope Don can read Father's handwriting, which I often can't!)

Sunday Bev and I went to the art fusion festival at the Brickworks.   (We took a Wheeltrans cab from her place.) It was rather noisy and I couldn't stay for long.  They had a farmer's market there and now I wish I'd bought some of their rhubarb! But at the time I wasn't thinking straight.

A week ago I visited Giuseppe and now I've visited Bev.  It's a new thing for me to go out and just visit people! (Years ago I asked Mother what people did before TV, and she said they visited each other more often.)

I was telling Beatrice about my memoir group and she mentioned my blog URL in her last email to the choir. (It's at , of course.)

I've been watching an interesting Netflix documentary about the British monarchy, hosted by David Starkey and imaginatively titled Monarchy.  And tonight we saw on Netflix the Stephen Fry documentary Wagner and Me, which was pretty engaging. (I once wrote in an online comment that Robert Wagner's acting was "anything but Wagnerian"!)

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