Friday, October 10, 2014

Fukurou Castle

Having completed a couple more chapters of that Chinese novel, I've returned to translating that Japanese novel Fukurow Castle. (It's about ninjas in the warlord era.) Translation is fun for me, like doing a puzzle.  My current chapter is especially challenging because it's about historical background.  There's talk about Yoshitsune, except he goes by a different name here, and it took Wikipedia to clue me in.  Sort of like the Emperor they used to call Hirohito is now called Shouwa posthumously.

Wednesday afternoon I finally got back to leafleting for Olivia Chow.  I was doing it along Belsize Avenue, but got lost.  The east-west streets were where I expected, but the north-south streets were all different from the map.  Where was Mount Pleasant street?  I expected it to be at the right end of the map, but I finally figured out it was on the west end. (Was my face red!)

The other day I couldn't get my email for over a day.  I eventually figured out it was the same modem trouble that's got in the way of our watching Netflix on the big TV.  Last night I finally opened my email on the downstairs computer, and today my computer's connection came back. (But we still have the Netflix trouble.)

We've just been watching the David Starkey documentary series, which Moira got from the library, about the historical relationship between English kings and English music.  I can't wait for the next episode, when they get to Handel!

In that book Paris 1919, I've just got to the part about Japan and China.  I should be especially interested in that part.

The weather is cooler.  I'm now wearing sweaters, and just brought my autumn coat downstairs.  It's time to dig up the potatoes, but I have laziness to overcome.

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