Wednesday, January 04, 2017


"Someone should write an erudite essay on the moral, physical and aesthetic effect of the Model T Ford on the American nation.  Two generations of Americans know more about the Ford coil than the clitoris, about the planetary system of gears than the solar system of stars"--Cannery Row

Tonight I saw the animated Disney Polynesian movie Moana.  I was basically seeing it so I'd have something to write about here, but it was actually pretty good as the present-day Disney formula goes.  There were quite a few imaginative touches, like the demigod's animated tattoos.  The climax owed a little something to Hayao Miyazaki anime like Princess Mononoke. (The father was voiced by Temuara Morrison, who was in the Maori movie Once Were Warriors twenty years ago.)

They showed a trailer for the live-action version of Beauty and the Beast.  In the B&tB version I'd like to see, Belle would marry Beast and give birth to mutants, causing visiting friends to say, "What cute little mutants you have!"

Yesterday I booked my Air Canada ticket for London in May. (I'm leaving on the 5th and returning on the 22nd.) It cost about a grand in total.  I could have saved a few hundred, but there was always a catch.  I didn't want to land at Gatwick: that would mean taking a train into Victoria Station and catching the tube from there, whereas I can take the Picadilly Line to Russell Square station right from Heathrow.  Neither did I want to take a flight early in the morning, which would mean spending the night at the airport first. (I've landed at Gatwick and left in the early morning before, but now I feel too old for such trouble now, a feeling my father understands well.) Also, I didn't want to take a flight where I'd have to get off at JFK Airport then get to the connecting flight at La Guardia Airport, or one where we'd go by way of Rome and take a very long time.

More Googleplay Ebook trouble.  I opened The Ghosts of Inverloch to look at it again, and it showed the pages from The Wrath of Hypsis!  The Wrath of Hypsis has been sneaking into my other Googleplay Ebooks too.  I posted a question about it in the Google problems forum.

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