Friday, January 11, 2019


Monday night I went to the Celtic Culture Meetup, where we discussed Julius Caesar's wars of conquest in Gaul.  I brought my Latin text and they were impressed that I knew the language.

Last night I went to the Intellectual Meetup at the Bampot Tea House.  Pam and my Korean friend Hongmin were both there! (We discussed "polarization" in today's politics.)

Tonight I went to the Book Swap Meetup at Paupers. (We were focusing on historical writing.) I picked up a copy of Norman Mailer's early novel The Barbary Shore.

I'm now in the fourth section of Decameron, where the stories are about unsuccessful love.

John has been tearing the dining room apart, so we've had to eat dinner in the living room a few times.

I finally fulfilled my New Year's resolution and baked bread again! (It was whole wheat.)

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