Thursday, January 15, 2015

A filling

"He was touched in the cavity where his heart should have been--in that nest of addled eggs, where the birds of heaven would have lived if they had not been whistled away--by the fervour of this reproach"--Hard Times

Monday night choir practice resumed.  We're doing a new number from Fiddler on the Roof  combining "Sunrise, Sunset" and "Sabbath Prayer."  Tuesday night opera rehearsal also resumed.  We managed to block out all the chorus scenes from Masked Ball.

Wednesday night I saw Charlie Chaplin's City Lights yet again, at the Event Screen with a Movie Meetup group.  Among his other talents, Chaplin was a brilliant music composer!

Today I went to the dentist and got a new filling in my lower left molars.  The main inconvenience was waiting for the freezing to wear off. (The other day someone in one of my Facebook groups asked us to name three things that are better than they used to be, and I wrote, "Dentistry, toilets and the internet.")

Recently I've been watching the new miniseries about Marco Polo on Netflix.  It's competent hokum, action-packed if rather improbable.  Some parts are sleazy, hard to follow and even too dark to see. (The 1982 miniseries was so cheesy that they lifted the whole Tibetan sequence from Tintin, including the bald monk levitating!) For all its lavishness, there's something oddly depressing about it:  I felt the same way about what I saw of The Tudors.

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