The hot weather arrived last weekend. I've been working a lot in the garden, extending it to where we used to have the planter. (There's good potting soil there.) I moved two rose bushes from there to the planter next to the front porch, and a couple of other flowers to the terraced area next to the sidewalk.
I just finished digging a trench around the whole area, and as soon as I level it out it'll be ready for planting. There were a couple of stumps so deeply rooted that I had to saw them out, and there are also quite a few roots from our late cherry and plum trees.
This garden work is part of the reason it's been so long since my last post here. Another part is my involvement with those Facebook groups. Up to last week I followed up all my Facebook notifications, but that was taking up so much time that I stopped. Now I'm trying to be selective.
Wednesday I saw Fred Zinnemann's movie of the Rodgers & Hammerstein musical Oklahoma! for the second time, but the first time in a cinema, at the Event Screen. It's a bit square, best for the surreal ballet sequence. I have to admit I felt sorry for Judd Fry. (Despite being the villain, there was something sympathetic in the way Rod Steiger played him.)
Thursday I went on Betty-Anne's art walk, in the Junction area for the first time. I noticed a used-book store and visited it and another one on Saturday afternoon. But I wasn't interested enough to buy anything.
I finished reading Our Mutual Friend on Saturday night, just before the Classic Book Club met on Sunday afternoon. (Why not cut it close?) There were seven people there, exactly the number in my reservation. Now I've started reading the spring issue of Lapham's Quarterly, whose subject is con games.
The weather got cooler today, but that can't last forever.
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