Thursday, October 29, 2015


"He [the coroner] opened him up and found nothing"--Madame Bovary

Friday I saw the documentary about Tab Hunter at the Bloor.  They were showing John Waters' Polyester afterward (with an appearance by Hunter), and I won a ticket to that screening by being the first to answer a trivia question. (The 1982 musical flop with him and Michelle Pfeiffer was Grease II.)

I finished Madame Bovary Thursday, and discussed it with John Snow's group on Sunday.  I've now started reading Thomas Mann's symbolic novel The Magic Mountain for my own book club.  I need to read almost twenty pages a day to finish it in time, but so far I'm struggling to do ten a day.

We now have the choir program for the Christmas concert.  And at the opera they've decided on the pieces to do at the fundraiser.  Beatrice wants us to be off-book, which will be easier for me than for the new people.

The weather is getting cooler, and I've started bringing in the potatoes from the back yard.  It looks like another good year. (I also have some patio tiles to move out of the way to allow a bigger garden next year.)

Last night I dreamed about General Patton.  Today I was reading about him on Wikipedia.  I want to see that George C. Scott movie again!

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