Friday, March 24, 2017


Tuesday morning I submitted my consent form for O.D.S.P., so I'll presumably be getting it at the end of the month.  I handed it in at the Eglinton Avenue office, when I should have taken it to the Sheppard Avenue office (d'oh!), but it got straightened out in the end.

At the same time I went to see my shrink Dr. Hassan to tell him the good news.  Without him, I not only couldn't have done it but wouldn't even have imagined it!

Tuesday night I saw Stephen Spielberg's early TV movie Duel (I'd seen part of it before) with the Classic Movie Meetup, which I hadn't attended for a while.  That's the one with driver Dennis Weaver in danger of being crushed by a malevolent truck!

The Staples people straightened out the problem with the printer return.

I've finished Britain's Bloodiest Dynasty and started Britain's Bloody Crown, a documentary by the same historian about the Wars of the Roses.  Funny how the Plantagenets (including the Lancaster and York branches) combined very strong kings with very weak ones!

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