Saturday, March 04, 2017

Getting over the cold

Ruth (going through her late husband's clothes): "How could a man who had so few clothes have so many clothes?"--Six Feet Under

I think I'm almost over the cold. I've been eating grapefruit constantly, and Wednesday I found one of those huge pomelos at Loblaw's.  Tonight I returned to the opera, and ate a grapefruit during the breaks. (Kathy got me to add my signature to the gingerbread recipe!)

Too bad Father and Moira have caught my cold.  Last Sunday we had a big family gathering and ordered lots of Indian food, and we kept eating Indian leftovers through Thursday, which is nice for people with colds.  Today we used a coupon for Harvey's hamburgers, and I was the one who went out and bought them.

We've regressed to brass-monkey weather just now. That groundhog must have gone for a long stroll a month ago!  But it should be warm again on Monday, and I hope this is the last cold weather before next winter.

Yesterday I started a new computer game on Facebook, Dakota Farm Adventure.  We'll see how far I get before there's nothing interesting left to do...

My browser's been acting up.  It won't open properly, so I've had to access it on the downstairs computer.  And I can start threads on The Huffington Post, but not add to them.

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