Saturday, June 23, 2018


"New York University has torn down... a home that Edgar Allen Poe once lived in. (NYU partially re-created the facade of the Poe house.  Quoth the raven:  Fuck you)"--Kevin Baker, Harper's

Wednesday I cooked goulash for the first time.  I chopped up the onion and the green pepper really fine.  And I fried the hamburger the way I'd read online, browning the bottom layer then turning it over to brown the opposite layer, only then breaking it up.  It was pretty good, but next time I'll add more tomato paste and less cayenne pepper!

Wednesday night I saw  Desiree (for the third time) on the DVD with the History Meetup.  Marlon Brando seems oddly miscast as Napoleon.

Today we got the latest issue of Harper's.  There's a very interesting Kevin Baker article about how big money is destroying New York City.

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