Last night I went on another Queen Street art walk. This time we stayed in one place: the 401 West Richmond Street complex, just east of Spadina Avenue. (That's further east than we usually go.)
We started out at Abozzo's, which had some nice pictures of Newfoundland and Labrador. We also visited an installation showing a film about the town of St. Pauls, Alberta, which built a UFO landing platform as its Centennial Project back in 1967. We saw a place with posters that seemed blank at first glance, but if everyone stood still, the motion-sensing lights would go off and you could see images copied from a 1980s U.S. government manual on how to sabotage Nicaragua! And we went to a display of entries in a student art competition. (I liked the photo of the girl with snowflakes in her hair.) We also got a behind the scenes look at a plant for making art prints.
I had to leave early for the art walk, and Moira was late at the dentist, so I had to get my own dinner. (I found a KFC that still serves the old type of fries.) Speaking of the dentist, today I picked up my mouth guard to wear at night to prevent tooth-grinding.