Thursday, December 07, 2017


My shrink prescribed me 30 Cipralex pills instead of the usual 60, so as an experiment I'm taking them every other day instead of daily.  One side effect is that my dreams get more vivid.

Just last night I had a dream of moving into a new house in York Region much like our Sackville house, but outside the northeast corner there was a tent-like enclosure accessible through a glass passageway.  There were some kids watching a Kurosawa movie.  I also dreamed of being stuck watching a movie that wouldn't end!

Today Moira and I went grocery shopping and bought almost $100 of stuff!

I've finished translating "Streetcar, Streetcar, Wait for Me" into Chinese ("Dianche, Dianche, Ni Deng Woba") and started translating it into Japanese ("Densha-San wa Boku-o Matte-yo"). In French and Portuguese it's titled "Tram, Tram, Attendez-Moi" and "Electrico, Electrico, Espere-Me."

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