"Only a guy who's spent five years in jail can go to such maniacal helpless extremes; beseeching at the portals of the soft source, mad with a completely physical realization of the origins of life-bliss; blindly seeking to return the way he came. This is the result of years looking at sexy pictures behind bars; looking at the legs and breasts of women in popular magazines; evaluating the hardness of the steel halls and the softness of the woman who is not there"--On the Road
We're now watching the second season of Damages. It's an unpredictable show that keeps you guessing. In the first season class-action lawyer Patty (a well-cast Glenn Close) took tycoon Ted Danson to the cleaners; in the second, she's after a polluting West Virginia CEO and gets shareholder Danson to sue him! William Hurt has a good role as a researcher playing both ends against the middle.
The central character is Ellen (Rose Byrne), a beginning lawyer working for Patty. In the first season she was engaged to a doctor who got murdered, a crime for which she almost got framed. In the second season she's out to nail the real killers, and they're after her too. Also, she's working for the feds to help nail Patty, because Patty tried to have her killed in the first season for reasons I still haven't figured out. (Maybe it's all clear when you see it a second time!)
John and Kathrine came over for Thanksgiving and we feasted on vegan chili.
The number of my Twitter followers is steadily approaching 2000.
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