Tuesday, January 02, 2018

A new blog

"A week ago I had only to say to her 'Do you remember that first time together and how I hadn't got a shilling for the meter?' and the scene would be there for both of us.  Now it was there for me only.  She had lost all our memories for ever, and it was as though by dying she had robbed me of part of myself.  I was losing my individuality.  It was the first stage of my own death, the memories dropping off like gangrened limbs"--The End of the Affair

What with the new year, I've started that new blog, posting my diary entries from fifteen years ago.  The URL is 

Lying in bed under the heavy blankets on New Year's Eve, I sweated so much that I had to change pajamas. (Oh well, it probably boosts your health.) My New Year's resolution is to stop napping in the afternoon.

We're watching the Plantagenet documentary Britain's Bloodiest Dynasty.  I've seen it before but I might as well see it again.  I've also been looking at a Netflix documentary about the Windsors.  I got the impression that even without Mrs. Simpson, Edward VIII would have found some other reason to abdicate!

Last night I dreamed about bringing my family to London and seeing a theatre with an elaborate display at the top of the building promoting their new musical production.

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