Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Oh say can you see

Oh dear, I uploaded this post on the wrong blog.  And I  put the whole thing on A-command but forgot to copy it before deleting it, so I'll have to do it again from memory!

Demon weather last weekend!  The streetcars were off on St. Clair Avenue, and when I tried to shovel the sidewalk it was just too icy.  But I did manage to get out three times.

On Saturday night I went to a new Singing Meetup at the church just west of Spadina station.  We did a song "Shalala Lala" and danced to this salsa song that I remember us dancing to when I was taking lessons at the Arthur Murray studio fifteen years ago.

Sunday afternoon I hosted the Reading Out Loud Meetup.  The topic was American writing, so I titled the event "Oh say can you see." Only two other people braved the weather and showed up, but that was enough for me! (I considered cancelling the event, but I'm glad I didn't.) I read some Washington Irving, poems about the Revolutionary War and the Civil War ("The Little Black-Eyed Rebel" and "Kentucky Belle") and the Huckleberry Finn chapter "Was Solomon Wise?" I think I did Jim's accent pretty well.

In the evening I joined Anne and Miriam to watch a poetry slam at the Drake Hotel.  But the place was too loud for me and I left early.

Monday afternoon's memoir group got cancelled because of the weather.

Suzanne suggested I move my Meetups back to the quieter Robarts Library food court, and I've done so. (I'd only moved out of there to please a couple of wet blankets in the first place.)

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