Sunday, April 01, 2018

More comedy clips

Time for some more funny clips!

Laurel & Hardy in Saps at Sea.  This clip has the whole movie, but I downloaded it specifically for the opening scene, set in a horn factory. (No wonder Ollie needs a break!)
Bob Clampett, Coal Black an' de Sebben Dwarfs.  True, this black Snow White spoof from Warner Brothers is pretty racist. (A coat of arms with crossed switchblades and a pair of dice?) But I like the jazzy music and wartime references, like the Evil Queen's stock of rationed goods!  And there's a Citizen Kane reference too.
Friz Freleng, "The Last Hungry Cat." Those cartoon geniuses at Warner Brothers put Sylvester and Tweety in a Hitchcock spoof!

Mr. Know-It-All, "How to be a Beatnik." My favorite part of Rocky & Bullwinkle is Bullwinkle as Mr. Know-It-All!

Super Chicken, "The Easter Bunny." Super Chicken was my favorite cartoon on Jay Ward's George of the Jungle series. "You knew the job was dangerous when you took it!"

All in the Family:  Archie Bunker makes a TV "editorial reply" opposing gun control. His prejudices didn't make him dangerous, they made him small!

SCTV, "Whispers of the Wolf." The always desperate Count Floyd presents an Ingmar Bergman spoof! (They also did Jerry Lewis in "Scenes From the Idiot's Marriage.") Confession:  I've never seen Persona--I keep worrying that I won't get it!

Mad TV, "Davey and the Son of Goliath." A sick parody of the religious children's cartoon! (I have a thing for sick parodies...)

Two clips from "Max Power," The Simpsons.  This show has moments of sheer genius, like in this episode, where the new TV show features a character coincidentally named Homer Simpson.  Unfortunately for the "real" Homer, between the pilot and the regular series the character undergoes some changes...

Weird Al Yankovic, "Word Crimes." The song is way better than Robin Thicke's original "Blurred Lines" and the video is way better than its vulgar original!  It also bugs me when people use "literally" just to give emphasis to hyperbole. (BTW, I'm also annoyed by the expression "One of the two or three most." Not that it's grammatically wrong, it's just sloppy style.)

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