Saturday, March 30, 2013

Music festivals

When I was growing up in Sackville, this was the time of year when they had music festivals.  Mother was at one of them and said to someone, "Is that piano ever out of tune!" It turned out she was talking to the piano tuner. (That's what the English call "dropping a brick.") When Giuseppe talked about keeping pianos in tune I had to tell him that story:  he loves those funny anecdotes!

When I was in Grade 2 my class was going to sing a song in a choir competition in the festival, but we missed out on it because of a bomb scare that day! (Someone went to juvenile court because of it.) That's when I learned that life isn't fair.  And I don't even remember what the song was.

When I was nine, I sang in a solo competition.  It was some song about going to sea with a line "And I'll bring you a parrot in a cage..." The guy who finished first had a song that went "We are the King's men, hale and hearty/Marching to meet our Bonapartey!" I must admit he had a better song than mine.  I also performed some piano pieces, but I hardly remember any of them.

Some of us also played piano in music festivals in Halifax (in February), and Saint John (in May).  Moira's always been the best pianist in our family, but Margaret also reached a high level.

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