"What kind of man are you?" "A philanderer"--Upstairs, Downstairs
I've been really lazy lately! (Hence the long gap since my last post.) Today around noon I got back in bed for a nap, and slept another three hours! At least I still have Meetup.
Saturday I went to the Book and Brunch Meetup, where we talked about Love in the Time of Cholera. There were over twenty people there, but the only other man was the waiter! I had to admit that the book, for all its brilliance, left a bad taste in the mouth.
Tuesday evening the Transit Enthusiasts Meetup group met at Dutch Dreams (my suggestion). I had a strawberry-vanilla sundae with tropical fruit. Then we walked around the neighbourhood seeing places like the car barns complex.
At yesterday's Chinese art class we drew grapes. I'm still afraid to try colours other than black ink!
This evening I went to the Non-Fiction Book Club, which met this time at the Fox & Fiddle near St. George station. We discussed The Undercover Economist, but I hadn't had time to read the book so I didn't have much to contribute. I left early.
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