Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Back to choir practice

Today Coro Verdi had its first rehearsal in the New Year.  With the Christmas concert finished, we've returned to rehearsing Verdi's MACBETH. (We spent a lot of time on the Cutthroats' Chorus.) I don't like to boast, but it's a fact that John George and Giovanni like to sit next to me because I'm a fast learner.

Giuseppe is worrying about not having enough singers, especially sopranos.  TOR has lots of sopranos, but as a rule he doesn't lean on the TOR chorus people to join his other group.  We're going to move rehearsals to the Villa Colombo building sometime, but not just yet.

Today I also finished WHAT A YEAR!  In the last chapter Joe Alex Morris wrote "For better or worse, Americans who died in 1929 had never heard of..." then recited a long list of phenomena that he expected 1956 readers to be familiar with.  I knew most of them, though not everyone remembers Gina Lollobrigida or Cinerama.  There were a few I had to look up, however.

Dave Garroway:  first host of THE TODAY SHOW. (That's one of those names that sound vaguely familiar to me.)

Economic royalists:  FDR's 1936 term for robber barons.

Dacron:  a brand of polyester.

Indirect lighting:  A lighting system where flourescent tubes along the top of a living room's wall reflect their light onto the ceiling.

Fala:  FDR's terrier.

Sulfanilamide:  a germ-killing elixir that caused mass poisoning in 1937.

I'm still trying to figure out why he included Nashua.

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