Thursday, January 10, 2013

Movie trivia contest

Tonight I went to a Movie trivia contest hosted by Sash of the Toronto Friends Social Group Meetup.  I was careless with the time and got Father to drive me to the subway station so I'd be there in time, but I should have realized it would start a lot later than scheduled.  It isn't the first time I've inconvenienced Father when I didn't have to.

I finished third and chose a serving of cookies & cream cake for my prize.  I also met a CBC science reporter who ultimately finished first.  I actually finished first in these contests once, and I'm sure I'll do it again one of these months.

I'm pretty good with movie trivia, and even noticed a couple of mistakes in Sash's questions:  ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK came out in 1982, not 1981; and Rooney in FERRIS BUELLER'S DAY OFF was a vice-principal, not a principal. (I heard someone floated a proposal for a Ferris Bueller sequel, and I'd like to see one where Ferris is a fortysomething unemployed welfare bum who can't read or add and now says, "I shouldn't have skipped school." Rooney, meanwhile, has become Secretary of Education.)

I wish I knew how to quit Candy Crush Saga.  I've said that it was addictive, and Pet Rescue Saga is too. (Did I mention I've been careless with time?) I'll just have to find a new game twice as addictive...

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