Saturday, January 12, 2013

ROLT January

Today was January's ROLT Meetup event.  We had a record turnout of nine people.  The weather was unusually mild for January so we decided to sit outside, but as the event went on the weather got worse.  Someone suggested a different locale but we'll see.

Our topic was Canadian writing. (I titled the event "The Maple Leaf Forever.") I read part of a chapter from Mazo de la Roche's JALNA, with Renny worrying about being in love with his brother's wife, then going out to the stable and trying to save a dying foal.  Jane read part of a CODCO script. (That show was the predecessor of THIS HOUR HAS 23 MINUTES.) Someone read part of WO Mitchell's WHO HAS SEEN THE WIND, someone read poems by Irving Layton and Leonard Cohen, and someone read part of the Stephen Leacock sea-story parody "Soaked in Seeweed." (That's the one that ends with "I died.  I buried myself.") Moira came and considered reading an Alden Nowlan poem, but decided against it.

I was going to make the February topic writing on love, since that's the time of St. Valentine's Day.  But Moira preferred writing on science, so I've decided to combine scientific writing with science fiction.  I'm considering future topics like biography & memoirs, travel writing, city life, closing passages, and a second poetry event since the first was so popular.

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