Monday, November 18, 2013


Yesterday afternoon I saw All Is Lost at the Varsity with the Sunday Afternoon Movie Meetup.  It was a pretty good sea story, with Robert Redford uncharacteristically showing his age.  I like the genre of marine tragedies, including The Perfect Storm and Open Water.  This reminded me of some of the stories I read in the sea issue of Lapham's Quarterly a few months ago.

As I came there I passed some Santa Claus Parade clouds.  It was unusually warm weather, good for a parade.  It was also warm the day before, but I wore my long johns when I didn't have to; I didn't make that mistake the next day.

But today was cooler. (The night before the wind was so fierce it kept me awake.) I actually saw a bit of snow on the way to choir practice, where we learned a French folk song "Les Cloches du Hameau." Beatrice wanted to do a couple more songs but it's getting close to performance time and now we'll have to concentrate on reviewing what we've done before.

At today's memoir session our subjects were "Classroom fights" (my suggestion); and "The perfect therapy" (as in marijuana, which I have no experience). The subject of August also got chosen, but we weren't interested in that one.  Selia wasn't feeling well and couldn't make it.  I hope she's in better shape next week.

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