Monday, November 25, 2013

Cold weather

Thursday night I saw the comedy documentary When Jews Were Funny at the Bloor.  It had some pretty funny jokes.

Friday night I went to Lillian's Karaoke Meetup at Mayday Malone's near Bathurst & Dupont.  It was close enough that I would have walked except that it was freezing cold! (I ordered a bowl of chili.) It was rather noisy and I only stayed for one song.

At the Acting Meetup yesterday afternoon we each pretended to do  a commercial audition. (I did a BMW ad.) I also did a scene where someone pretended to be a cop arresting me, and I gave him a Bronx cheer!)

Last night I saw Edward Burtynsky's Watermark at the Revue with a Movie Meetup group.  It was as eerie as his Manufactured Landscapes.  I was hoping to meet Pam there--she's one of the most interesting people I've ever met--but she couldn't make it.

This afternoon I was in the opera fundraising concert.  This year it was at the Hart House music room on the University of Toronto campus.  Tetyana, who's playing Carmen, wore a ballroom dancing dress.  I met Barbara Thompson afterward. (Giuseppe Macina didn't come:  he told Yvette, "That book is closed!")

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