Monday, November 11, 2013

BOO! said the monster

This afternoon was the latest ROLT event.  Titled "Boo! said the monster," it was devoted to scary stories.  Nine people came, though one left early.  Moira and I walked to Butler's Pantry and back.  (She considered reading a passage from The Woman in Black, but the noise got to her.)

I read the George Orwell essay "Decline of the English Murder"; Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery"; and Edgar Allen Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart." (The others thought I read the last story quite well.)

Next month's event will be about children's writing.  December seems like the right month for that, what with Christmas being close at hand.

Afterward I felt unwell.  John and Kathrine brought dinner over but I only ate a little and went to bed quickly.

I don't usually run short, but my mind is going blank just now.

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