Saturday, December 21, 2013

A week off line!

I'm posting this through the facilities of Wychwood library, since our modem conked out Thursday and can't be replaced till Christmas day. (I hope technicians get paid extra for working then.) To tell the truth, I needed a break from those Facebook games.

With the web unavailable, I've been reviewing my Greek.  If I get really bored, I might even watch TV!

Father and I have been watching the sixth season of MAD MEN on DVD.  The fifth and sixth seasons aren't quite as good as the first four:  Megan isn't as fascinating as Betty.  But I guess diminishing returns were inevitable. (Consider how diminished SIX FEET UNDER was in its last two seasons.)

Wednesday night the choir performed again, for the Earlscourt Rotary club.  Again, they treated us to dinner!

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