Monday, December 23, 2013

Ice palaces

We have a couple of trees in our front yard and yesterday they were covered in ice.  It would have been a good day for a Photography Meetup event.

Saturday night I saw the Alistair Sim version of A CHRISTMAS CAROL for the first time since I was a kid, with the Classical Movie Meetup at the Fairview screening room.  It's a great psychological movie.  When we get back online I'll be eager to learn more about it at the Internet Movie Database. (What else did Brian Desmond-Hurst direct?)

Yesterday I saw a broadcast of the Royal Ballet production of Tchaikovsky's NUTCRACKER at the Yonge & Eglinton.  My favorite costumes were the women in the Spanish Dance.  I would have seen it with Mary of the Classical Music Meetup, but she couldn't make it because of the ice storm. (What a shame:  I haven't seen her for a few months.)

The streetcars weren't running yesterday so I walked to St. Clair West station.  But I still had to take a shuttle bus north to Eglinton station because a tree fell near St. Clair station. (I arrived with little time to spare.)  On the way back I took the bus to Eglinton West station and hoped to take the Ossington bus south to St. Clair, but there turned out to be a detour so that bus was no longer coming all the way to Eglinton West!

I've finished ONE SUMMER, which I enjoyed greatly, and let's hope the Byzantine history arrives soon so I can start reading that one.  In the meanwhile, I've resumed reading the book with 50 things I need to know about architecture.

When I bought a drink yesterday at the Yonge & Eglinton they gave it to me in a reusable cup with a bendable straw, illustrated with a New Jersey Devil.  I guess I'll be reusing it.

It took quite a search this morning to find a library computer. (There have been some blackouts nearby, so more people must be depending on libraries for their net connection.) In the end I found one at the Gladstone library.

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