Sig Rumann: "She looks like the healthiest woman in the world to me!" Groucho Marx: "And you look like you've never seen an unhealthy woman!"--A Day at the Races
Yesterday afternoon at the Acting Meetup the more experienced actors performed some scenes they'd been working on. One guy did a standup comedy routine he's working on! I didn't perform but I enjoyed it greatly.
Yesterday evening I saw the Marx Brothers' A Day at the Races yet again with the Classic Movies Meetup at the Fairview screening room. Granted that it's pretty uneven: Allan Jones, in the Zeppo role, has a couple of horrid songs, and the moment when the brothers disguise themselves in blackface will make you squirm. But it's very entertaining overall, with Groucho in rare form.
This afternoon I went to a cookie exchange at the Bereaved Families of Toronto place. I was reading the current death issue of Lapham's Quarterly--which has some fascinating texts on bereavement--and they were interested in it. I ended up being back a huge pile of cookies, so many that I'll have to share them with the choir tomorrow night.
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