Sunday, September 29, 2013

A busy weekend

Friday night I went to a Karaoke Meetup at Jingle's.  The place was small and a bit noisy, and I only stayed for one song ("Ring of Fire.")

Yesterday afternoon I went to a new Acting Meetup connected to the Fringe Theatre.  An actor called Ivan started this group so actors of different skill and experience levels can get together and play scenes.  I enjoy that sort of thing, and he intends for us to meet every Saturday!  For the first meeting he gave us brief scenes to do from recent TV shows.  I did one from Nikita where I'm talking to a techie while looking at a computer scene. (I held my sheet in front of me to stand for the screen, which made glancing at my lines less awkward.) For the other scene I was one of two tough ex-cons meeting in a bar: one of my lines was "Shitty day, whiskey neat."

This morning I went out to Chudleigh's in Milton and picked apples as part of the Born in the '60s Meetup.  Heather gave me a lift from Islington station at 9:00 so we could get there at the 10:00 opening, so I had to get up early and take the Bloor bus before the subway started.

Chudleigh's has long lines, but they know how to keep them moving pretty quick.  I bought Cortlands, Honeycrisps and some pre-picked Empires. (I'd visited Chudleigh's once before, when I was 12 and we were in Mississauga for the year.  I think we picked Red Delicious apples then.) Unfortunately, nobody else could make it.  I guess we would have done better to find a less crowded orchard where we wouldn't have had to get there early.

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