Thursday, April 11, 2013

My "Life is too short" list

The other day someone in the family asked if I had written anything about the late Margaret Thatcher on this blog.  I answered, "Life is too short." Which got me thinking about writing a list of other "Life is too short" people:

Rob Ford
Stephen Harper
Donald Trump
Kim Kardashian (and anyone else in reality TV)
Dr. Phil
Rappers (I couldn't tell Jay-Z from Kanye West to save my life)
George F. Will (and anyone else who regularly appears on American TV's weaselly Sunday morning talk shows)
Anyone involved in the sitcom FRIENDS (which I've never watched)
Tom Cruise
Hillary Clinton
Shania Twain
Anyone who writes about fashion
Dr. Laura
Tina Brown
Anyone who's famous because of TV commercials
George W. Bush
"Liberal realists"
Charlie Sheen
Jean Chretien
Britney Spears
Don Cherry
Tony Blair
Lindsey Lohan
People who believe in "the sensible center"
Andrew Lloyd Webber
Liberals who hate Ralph Nader
Simon Cowell
People who buy Disney Princess merchandise

And I'm just getting started.  I could spend my whole life writing lists like this!

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