Monday, May 13, 2013


This afternoon I saw Baz Luhrmann's ROMEO+JULIET at the Event Screen.  Never a dull moment, but Luhrmann's direction tends to the frantic:  in too many scenes the actors HAVE TO SCREAM SHAKESPEARE'S LIIIIINES!!!  But I liked Claire Danes' angel wings. (I shudder to imagine Luhrmann's take on THE GREAT GATSBY.)

John and Kathrine came over for dinner.  John brought over a desk and assembled it in my room next to my big window.  Then I decided to move my computer to this desk and turn the old desk into a bookcase.

I'm still rewatching FREAKS AND GEEKS on Netflix.  The other day I saw the episode where Sam ended up streaking through the school hallway (just when the bell rang and everyone came out of the classrooms, of course) after the other boys threw him out of the locker room without his clothes.  That's the same episode where Lindsay told Nick he should work at his dream of becoming a rock drummer but when he tried to get serious about rehearsing the rest of his group walked out.  Painfully funny!

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