Monday, May 13, 2013


Teacher monitoring the hall: "Last one in the classroom is the first on welfare"--FREAKS & GEEKS

This afternoon I set up my new printer under my new desk and connected it to the computer.  Now I can print out my score for Bizet's "Je Crois Entendre Encore"!

Afterward I went out to the Gladstone library, where they've finished the renovations, and borrowed Michael Ende's children's book THE NEVERENDING STORY.  I read it almost thirty years ago and recall that it was really, really wonderful!  Some people have the imagination.  No doubt it helps that the translation was written by Ralph Manheim, the greatest German to English translator ever. (His version of Gunter Grass' THE TIN DRUM is a classic of translation.)

I'd seen the 1984 movie of the book, and enjoyed it enough to go to the original, but the movie didn't quite prepare me for how wonderful the book was.  It's just as well I saw the movie first; if I'd read the book first, it might have suffered in comparison.  After I finish rereading the book, I'll try to find the movie too.

At choir practice this evening, John George said he'd been meaning to tell me I'm a really good writer from what he's read here.  And Giovanni told me he'd read THE NEVERENDING STORY to his son years ago.

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